Burn Calories While You Get Your Rear in Gear

Have fun and get fit at Get Your Rear in Gear (photo credit: Mark Bernal)

Looking for a good reason to get the family outside for some fun physical activity?  Register everyone for the upcoming Get Your Rear in Gear 5K Run/Walk and Kids Fun Run at Southdale Center on Sunday May 20, 2012.  The event raises money to improve colon cancer awareness and increase funding for screening programs.

Run or Walk to Burn Calories

If you’re not a runner, don’t worry. This event is walker friendly.  In fact, it’s walker friendly, stroller friendly, pet friendly and even wheelchair friendly.  If you are new to exercise, this is a great “first timer” event to try.

Local sportscaster Mark Rosen will emcee the event. Costumed and theme-centered teams will compete for most creative design to celebrate and honor loved ones who have been affected by colon cancer.  The people-watching, alone, is a great reason to attend.

You can participate as part of a team, start your own team, or just show up and participate (in costume or not!) as an individual.  Register and get more information at GetYourRearinGear.com

Why You Need to Get Your Rear in Gear

Obesity can increase your risk of many cancers, including colon cancer.  If you are overweight, consider starting a weight loss program to reduce your risk.  Not sure where to start?  Use these links to take the first steps.

  1. Connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.  You’ll find support, tips and answers to your weight loss questions.
  2. Get support from family and friends. Social support is your must-have diet and exercise accessory.
  3. Get motivated and get started.  It’s easy to say that you’re going to lose weight, but weight loss is really about making good choices.

In the next few weeks, we’ll be launching the North Memorial Healthy Weight Loss website.  It is full of free tools and services that you can use to start your diet and exercise program.  Check back here or on Facebook and Twitter for updates.

3 Steps to Defeat Diabetes

April is Defeat Diabetes Month.  The campaign, presented by the Defeat Diabetes Foundation (DDF) helps to bring awareness to the disease that affects over 27 million people in the United States.  Another 79 million are at risk for developing it.

So what can you do?  DDF has outlined three steps you can take to defeat diabetes.

3 Things You Can Do to Defeat Diabetes

  1. Improve your own awareness.  Know the risk factors, warning signs and complications of the disease.  Risk factors include a family history, inactivity, poor diet and obesity.
  2. Get informed.  Learn about lifestyle changes that you can make to help prevent or manage diabetes.  Learn about healthy weight loss by connecting with us on Facebook and Twitter, and by subscribing to this blog.
  3. Take Action.  Make real changes to help prevent the disease from affecting you and your loved ones.  Get information about Diabetes Care provided by North Memorial.

Look for lifestyle tips, helpful eating guidelines and exercise tips on the new Healthy Weight Loss website which will launch within the next few weeks.  Keep checking back here for updates and news.

Your Must-Have Diet and Exercise Accessory

(source: cohdra/morguefile)

If you are thinking about investing your time or money in exercise equipment or diet programs, there are plenty of places to look.  But if you had to settle on one essential item that would help you secure your success with a weight loss program, what would you choose?   The thing that will probably help you the most is free.  It’s a friend.

Find a Buddy

One of the best predictors of success with a weight loss or exercise program is social support.  Dieters and new exercisers who have a friend or a workout buddy are more likely to be consistent in their program and stick to it over the long haul.

So how do you recruit a pal?  If you don’t feel like you have friends or family that will support you on your weight loss journey, think about expanding your network.  Do you have acquaintances at church, at work or in the neighborhood who might be interested in going for a fitness walk once or twice a week?  Perhaps you could start a healthy recipe exchange with your friends online.

Connect With Us

And don’t forget about us at North Memorial Healthy Weight Loss Program! As we get ready to launch our new website (coming soon) we want to hear from you. Connect with us by commenting on the blog, posting on our Facebook page or following us on Twitter.  Ask questions and share recipes or tips.  We look forward to hearing from you.